Saturday, January 5, 2008

10 Miles!!!!

Here I am arms raised in accomplishment. Today in snow, slush and staring snowplows in their grills, I ran 10 miles! I started at home (5600 South 1700 East ish) and ran up to the mouth of Big Cottonwood Canyon and wound my way back home.

I felt very strong the entire run. The conditions were less then desirable. I was slipping and sliding as several cars sprayed me with slush. I tackled a very big hill up 6200 South to Wasatch Blvd. I had two snow plows, who were team working on the shoulder, almost run me over. I am not kidding, why these guys would not honk or slow down has me baffled. In the end I did it.

I love running! I love the iPod in my ears and my brain on all the problems of the world. I love thinking about all of you. I love my sweet prison long john's that everyone makes fun of me for wearing. I love being less fat.

If I can do it, you can too.


Ahenobarbus Textor said...

What's amazing to me is how you can continue to inspire me to make more of my life, even when we live 2k miles apart. You so totally rock. Running has been an arch nemesis of mine for most of my life. Thanks to this post, and your willingness to share, I have made a new resolution, as of this moment: I will start running. Today. In fact, in the next ten minutes.

Ps. Those long-johns rock. I'm still holding out for red ones with the classic two-botton-butt-flap (so I can leave one button undone, of course).

Suzy said...

Go Marky!! Love the long johns - Grace is gonna beat your time - SO...

Created by Sarah Robbins said...

You are so much better than me!

The Birch Bunch said...

Marko Polo - Kudos to you little buddy.