Monday, December 17, 2007

And we're back...

It has been too long since my last post. I am aware that many of you still believe that I am on top of Grandeur peak. It has been an up and down year but a lot of fun.

So here I write to bring you back into our lives and hopefully keep better touch with all of you. I will start back up only referencing the past year when necessary. It would take to much effort to catch you up on the last few months. I enjoy writing and keeping an interactive journal so I will simply ask for forgiveness and start anew.

Riley, Cam and Coop are getting very excited for Santa to come in one short week. They are busy with ginger bread houses, school presents, songs and all else that goes along with the Christmas season. When I got home from work today I saw that Riley and Cooper had made snowmen. They stood a towering 8-12 inches high. They were very funny and so I snapped a pic and pass it along to you for your viewing pleasure.

1 comment:

Ahenobarbus Textor said...

Sure, start blogging again, as soon as my internet availability is snapped. Cool micro-snowman.