Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Proud Brother and Sister

Tonight we went to another one of Cam's wrestling matches. These are becoming a popular event in our household. Cam won his first match by pin, as seen above, and lost his second. He does a very good job of not getting pinned.

I learned something very neat about Cam tonight. He is driven when he sees opportunity in front of him. During the match he is very lethargic and is kind of roley poley. When the time comes that he sees his opponents back exposed, he changes gears and turns into attack mode. Everytime that happens, he quickly finishes the match.

It has been fun to have him grow into sporting age. On Saturday we went and hit a bucket of golf balls. He had a very fun time and is a delight to be with.

Below are the proud Brother and Sister of the first time medalist.

1 comment:

Ahenobarbus Textor said...

I cannot give credence to your audacious claims that these brilliant, beautiful, GROWN-UP children are your personal offspring. Thank the gods, they favor Sara. Nice job, Cam! Keep it up, and you'll be pinning your old man in no time.