Friday, March 16, 2007

My first angry parent moment.

Camden had his second night of wrestling matches on Thursday. He has had a fun time with the family attention on him. He has won a match or two and is picking up the moves and ideas pretty good. Thursday night was a definite set back.

First of all the people that do the pairings of the lil' grapplers set Cam up with a kid that was older and bigger. If you look closely at the picture above you can actually see his muscle structure. Second of all the kid had a couple more years of experience than Cam has. Needless to say, it was not Cam's shining moment.

Two things came from this little match. Anger and love. First, anger that my boy was getting tossed like a rag doll all the while the other parent is yelling right in my ear.Please note that it is against the rules to coach while they are wrestling.

Second love. Camden with all his might and will fought off of his back for three minutes. If you have ever wrestled or now someone who has, this is no easy feat. I stood on the corner of the mat as little Cam with gritted teeth and concentrated eyes would not allow himself to be pinned.
After the match he walked over to me and gave me that big old Camden smile. He had fun. I was proud of him! He didn't give up and he had fun.

From there we had to quickly run to Oakridge and watch him perform in the kindergarten opera. He played the part of the dancing zebra very well.

1 comment:

Ahenobarbus Textor said...

win with honor
lose with grace
strive through both
to bring pride - respect
to our sport
our teammates
our adversaries