Saturday, May 17, 2008

Child Abuse?

Look at what resurfaced! Painful memories! Pure agony! My first memory of being abused! Were we too poor? Was I "not a good boy"? 28 years after my first wrestling match these questions still haunt me. (I was three when I first stepped foot to foam.)

For some reason I was the only one in the midget division that did not have a true singlet. Please understand that the down side to being a wrestler is wearing a singlet, but I yearned to have one. Why you may ask? Because my mother, God bless her precious soul, sewed an AAU wrestling patch on to a leotard. A freaking leotard!!!

I never knew 3 year olds could be so cruel. The staging area's designated for pre match pair-up's were a proverbial torture chamber for me. Needless to say, I survived but I can't help but think of what life may have been like had I been given a chance to wear a REAL singlet like a normal mat fag.

They say that abusers abuse, thus the picture of Cooper in the very leotard that I dawned in the 1979/1980 season. Good luck with your career son, no doubt you'll need it!


Nic said...

I enjoy your blog, Mark! Very funny. This singlet issue explains A LOT!
: ) Just teasing. Check out our blog at

Suzy said...

How could you inflict that on poor Cooper and why did you save that singlet all these years? I totally remember you wearing that all around the house. I might even have pictures!

Ahenobarbus Textor said...

mwahahahaha!! So darn funny!! Nice.