Last week Sarah and I went on a wonderful trip back East. We were able to see some wonderful American historical sights. I am inherently a very patriotic person. I loved seeing these wonderful and inspiring places.
We were able to view Ground Zero in NYC. This sight brought to memory, not the attacks of that day, but the unity that existed in our great nation. I remember that on the night of September 11
th I could not sleep. I remember wanting to help so bad. In secret I wept that I was fortunate enough not to have to go through what those who were there experienced. There was a distinct feeling of love and sadness all rolled into one as we viewed the beginnings of that construction sight.
The next profound visit for me was Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty. Tourist destinations for sure.We spent a couple of hours at Ellis Island and researched some of those extraordinary people that made entry into this great nation. We found a log that looked something like a handwritten Excel spreadsheet. Some of the
columns were; Country of origin, destination, money in
possession etc. I noticed, and it had great effect on me, that the most anyone had in
possession was $24 the average was $8. Think of these travel worn people coming from afar with very little to their name to "better their lives". The representation of the Statue of Liberty is profound. I was very impressed with the opportunity to see these wonderful places.
The Liberty Bell and Independence Hall in Philadelphia are must sees. I was very impressed with a video that was shown as we made our way to view the Liberty Bell. It showed clips of the bell and it's history. It also showed what the bell meant to people over the history of it's existence. It has brought courage to the discouraged and hope to those in despair. I t was inspiring to think of the boldness and audaciousness of our founding fathers. The Constitution and Declaration of Independence are simply inspired. It was profound to stand in that hall and think of the significance of the happenings there.
Washington D.C. is the hub of it all right now. The memorials brought pride in country. Those men who are memorialized have been heroes of mine since my youth. The most profound memorial to me was the new WWII memorial. My grandfather served in this war. I remember as a kid asking him if he ever killed anybody. His response was " I imagine I had a few bullets end up in somebody." The truth was that he was an Army Ranger that I believe had a lot to do with securing victory. I was taken back by how many names adorned the walls of those memorials. The price of freedom is great and I appreciate all of those who serve.
On the drive from D.C. to Jersey I met a soldier at a rest stop. I walked over to him and thanked him for his service. He took off his hat and shook my hand and thanked me for thanking him. I was grateful for this 19 or 20 year old kid who will one day put his butt on the line for me.
I am concerned about this wonderful country that I love so much. I was on the front line of the economic woes as I worked for a major player in the sub prime mortgage industry. I sat in meetings with the CEO of Argent Mortgage as he predicted all of what is happening now. It has and will continue to spiral unless major changes are made.
I am concerned with the political trash that has become our government. Nothing can be done bi-partisan. It always has to be someones fault. I hope and pray that much sooner than later we can find the middle ground and start doing what is best for the country not what is best to further a politicians career.
I am upset that it is difficult for Americans to get along and take care of our own, when there are those across the world that seek to destroy what we have.
The main idea of this post was for me to put some feelings down that I hope to not soon forget. I know that it is a little over the top and cheesy but something I felt like putting down.