Wednesday, September 24, 2008

NYC Trip Part One.

We had a lot of fun on the East coast. We went and stayed with Suzy and her fam in New Jersey. NJ was base camp and we made trips to NYC, Philly and DC. We made several stops along the way. It was way fun. Thanks Suzy and fam for a great time. Happy 10th Sal, you are the best.

Sarah with the $22 sandwich. Gotta love the NY deli's

Me and my lover after "Xanadu" . A must see Broadway comedy.

Hanging in Philly the "Rocky" statue is a must.

On the way to DC stopped at CAMDEN YARDS to take some pictures and get some souvenirs for Camden.

More pics to come.


Boyds said...

Please Please tell me you went to see the Meadow Lands...Home of the Superbowl Champion New York Giants!!

Ahenobarbus Textor said...

Oh, nice! Love the sandwich. Makes me hungry.